Writing articles is one of the best ways to make money online. It can be a part-time or full-time income, and it can help you build your brand and increase your credibility as a writer.
Articles can be written on a variety of topics, including health, parenting, travel and business. You can also write about specific topics that are relevant to your target audience. Here are some tips for writing articles that are likely to be successful and attract readers:
1. Research
When writing an article, it’s important to research your topic extensively. This will ensure that your article is well-written and that it includes accurate information. It will also make your article more credible to your audience, as people are more likely to trust an article that’s been written by an expert in the field.
2. Keep up to date with current events
If you’re a freelance writer, it’s essential that you stay on top of the latest trends in your niche. It’s a good idea to read articles from different publications in your niche, and if you’re able, you should follow trending news stories on social media.
3. Reach out to established outlets
If you want to make money writing articles, it’s a good idea to reach out to established publications and pitch them your ideas. These sites will often pay a flat rate for your content and offer you a bio and a link back to your website.
4. Sign up with an article-writing service
If your goal is to build a portfolio of clients and gain experience, it’s worth signing up for an article-writing service. These services are a great way to make an income as a writer, especially if you’re new to the industry. However, you won’t be able to receive as much compensation from them as you would with direct clients.
5. Get published with a paid guest post
Getting published as a guest writer is a great way to increase your visibility and gain exposure for your business. Most sites pay $100 or more for your articles and will allow you to have a bio and a link back to you website.
6. Create a blog and monetize it
Blogging is another great option for a side gig as a freelance writer. It allows you to share your writing with a larger audience and earn residual income on the traffic that your articles drive.
7. Get paid to write for magazines
If you have a flair for writing about your travels, you can earn extra cash by writing articles for travel magazines. These publications typically accept articles from first-time writers and experts alike, and pay a fee for every article you publish.
Magazines often have a large readership and are an excellent opportunity to expand your writing portfolio. They can also be a great source of referrals and referral bonuses. Plus, they often have established editorial guidelines and require submissions to be approved before publication.