If you’re a student in high school and are interested in becoming a journalist, writing a newspaper article is a great way to practice your skills. The first step is to research the topic you’re going to write about and then outline your story. After that, you can begin writing the article.
Begin with the Lead
The headline of your article should catch the reader’s eye and make them want to read it further. It should be short, snappy and informative and explain what the news story is about. It can also include quotes from people who have an opinion about the story.
Use the Active Voice
When you are writing a newspaper article, you must use the active voice. This is a better choice than the passive voice because it is more descriptive and makes your sentences stronger.
You must be careful to cite sources in your articles and keep all information accurate. This includes using the correct spelling of words and avoiding grammar mistakes that may confuse the reader.
Identify your audience
A good way to find out who will be reading your article is to ask the “5 W’s.” These are what, when, where, why, and who. This will help you get a clear picture of your audience and how to write to them.
Focus on Recent Events
A newspaper article should be about something that is currently happening in the world. Ideally, it should be about a current event that is important to the community.
It will not do a newspaper any good to write about a past event because the community is probably already moved on.
Gather Details and Interviews
After you’ve determined the subject of your article, you must conduct interviews to get a firsthand account. This will give you a basis for your story and help you avoid relying on hearsay.
You should not only listen to the person you are interviewing, but you should take notes and be polite and honest about what they say. You will then be able to write a compelling article.
The next step is to outline your article with all the facts and interview quotes you’ve gathered. Once you’ve done this, write a strong first sentence that states the most important information about your news story.
Organize the News Content
The most effective way to organize your news article is to follow the inverted pyramid format. This will ensure that the most important information is at the beginning of your article and that you provide less critical information throughout the body of your news story.
This will ensure that the readers can easily skim through your news story and understand what you are trying to tell them. It is best to use a chronological order and start with the most important information first and then expand upon it as you go along.
You should also proofread your article for grammatical errors and consistency of tone. This is the only way to ensure that your article will reach its target audience effectively.