There are a lot of factors that influence how much to charge for writing an article 2018. From your expertise and experience to the industry you work in, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. But with the right strategy, you can find a rate that is both profitable and fair for you and your client.
The first thing you need to do is determine your minimum monthly income goal, and then find an hourly rate that matches this number. This will give you a base rate for all of your clients.
Once you have this base rate, it’s time to determine what kind of articles you want to write. There are many different types of articles, including blog posts, ebooks, white papers, and more. Each type of content can require a different amount of research and writing time.
For example, an in-depth article might take 3,000 words to complete. It might also involve interviews or extensive research.
This is why it’s so important to ask about the exact requirements of a project before agreeing to do it. This will help you determine if it’s worth doing or not.
When determining your rate, it’s important to consider the amount of time and effort you put into each piece. For instance, a piece of writing might take five hours to write, and then another three hours for research. Then, you need to factor in the amount of time it takes to proof and polish each piece.
You might also consider the length of each piece, the time it takes to edit and proofread, and how many revisions are needed. This will give you an idea of what to expect from each type of article and what to charge for them.
Then, you can use the above information to calculate your minimum hourly rate for writing an article. Then, you can multiply that by the number of articles you want to write each month. This will give you an average hourly rate for a particular kind of article.
A blog post is typically the least expensive type of content a freelance writer can produce, so it’s not surprising that most writers make this their main source of income. But there are other ways to earn money as a freelance writer, too.
For a more specialized type of writing, like a white paper, you’ll need to charge more than an average blog post. This is because white papers often require a great deal of research and writing, so you’ll need to account for that when calculating your hourly rate.
Having a high-quality article can be a great way to boost your reputation and get more clients. It can also help you gain more visibility on social media and search engines, which will lead to new business.
However, if you’re just starting out and don’t have any clients yet, it might be hard to get paid for writing an article. In this case, it’s best to start small and build your portfolio before you decide what kind of rate you can charge.