Writing articles is a great way to earn money. You don’t have to be a professional writer to make good money doing this, as there are many opportunities for freelance writers to work from home on their own terms and with the freedom of choosing the topics they write about.
There are also freelance marketplaces and online publishing platforms that accept articles for their websites or magazines. These sites tend to pay high rates, so it’s worth taking a look at them to see if you can find a writing gig on one of these sites.
Longreads pays up to $1,500 for articles that highlight relatable human experiences. The site publishes blog posts, reading lists, short interviews, memoirs, personal essays, book reviews and critical essays. It also supports ongoing investigative projects and long-form journalism pieces.
Getting paid to write is easy when you have the right skills and an eye for the right stories. Here are some ways to get started:
1. If you’re a freelancer, consider becoming a product tester or an online survey panel member. This can be a great way to build up your portfolio and get experience writing about products you use on a regular basis.
2. You can also write for a magazine, which often pays between $100 and $200 for original articles. You can find a list of magazines that accept guest contributors here, or you can contact the editor directly and ask for an interview.
3. You can also make money by writing lists and tutorials on popular software and apps. This can be a great way to get your name out there and generate traffic.
4. You can also get paid to write about travel, health and fitness or sports. These can be a great source of income for freelancers who love to travel, exercise or compete in sport.
5. You can also write about the latest technology or social media trends. These types of articles can be very lucrative, especially for a freelancer who can write a lot of them in a short amount of time.
6. You can also write for a video game website, which can be a great way to get your names out there and build your reputation. These websites often have a large readership and offer a good amount of exposure for your work.
7. You can also make money by writing for a newspaper or publication that covers local news in your area. If you’re an aspiring reporter, this is a great route to take as it will give you experience in writing for a larger audience.
8. You can also write for a magazine that covers parenting, politics and faith. These sites usually pay between $100 and $200 for original articles, but it’s a good idea to check their editorial guidelines and pitch them with a topic you think they would be interested in.
9. You can also make money by writing articles about technology and gaming. This is a great way to make money if you know a certain program inside and out or you’re interested in the game industry in general.